Blessed to be a Blessing

Loreto P. Azores May 2, 1934 – September 17, 2016

It has been a year since Daddy left us in this earthly life. He’s physically gone but his memories at random pop in my head on happy or sad moments, but more often, in times of uncertainty. It feels like he’s always with me.

Memories especially those that are emotional influence, direct and enlighten me as I sail on from the present and chart the course towards the future. Remembering our moments together as we were sharing life events, nursing each other’s hurts, overcoming defeat like teammates, or celebrating victories are so empowering.

These recollections bestow courage and understanding that everything’s not permanent. While changes are not always good, life stories simply continue. He has been reminding, even when he was still around, that things will get better as I keep working at it. Like a book after a chapter, the story doesn’t end right there!

Dad shared so much. What he left me are the lessons I can access practically any time or situation. I am constantly reminded of how he strove to stand for honesty and good judgment. In spite of the unpleasant events and decisions in his existence, the virtues of generosity and fairness outshine them all.

It has been a blessing and so I am very grateful for the memories Dad left me. He has been Gods’ gift for me, an example, as I face the realities of life. More than the material things, what he taught not just in words but in actions equipped and infused confidence in me. These, no one can take away from me!

I have mourned and realized how the Lord comforted me. When Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4),” He meant the comfort He gives is beyond easing the pain of losing my loved one. It was relieving for mourning indeed is a chance to comprehend the realities of living in this world. It has reinforced my faith that “in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28).

Sadness is fading with the passage of time. Grieving is a process to appreciate how much I have been loved. Losing Daddy has renewed my views and sense of meaning. By then, found a new purpose and direction in life.

Thank you, dear God, for the blessing of having a father. Now, as I am a father too, please bless me also, for nothing in this world matters, until You bless it.

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