Considering a Professional Career in Music

So much has been said about how great Filipino musicians are. Entertaining almost in every renowned cruise ship, hotel bar, restaurant, theme park, and other venues, Filipino bands surprises its audience with their cover performances in any language. They perform with such precision so close to the original artist’s version. This observation is reinforced by…

The Self That We Know and Our Desire to Grow

We hate being dictated by others for we are not and will never understand ourselves that way. Instead, we long for guidance. Jesus directs His believers saying, with “the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26 ESV). With our liberties, Jesus tells us that He can guide us as we call on Him in prayer. By this, we recognize that we are not alone as we try to get pass over the fears that deter us with our plans to achieve.

The Truth Will Set Us Free

Free from those who wants to take control of our lives!  Our lives continue each day with the decisions we make. When we decide, we direct ourselves to accomplish our tasks, goals, or just let the time pass us by. The choice we make leads us to an expected end. What we expect to happen…